Sunday, March 23, 2014

Homeless Shelter 3/18

A painting 
The common room
A Statue of Jesus

We took a trip to a homeless shelter where got to see the day facility for the people. This was not a what many people think a homeless shelter looks like. this was a place that would care for about 20 individuals and help them get back on their feet. The top left picture is part of a painting in a room in the building which was of a play ground. This place gets a lot of kids that go through there. The statue of Jesus picture show this place is part of a church. It is sponsored by a religious group, The Sisters of Divine Providence. The pictures of the common room bellow and top right show that they have an area where the kids that are there and the parents can relax and watch television like everyone else.

The Common room from a different angle

A Kids Drawing of Starry Night
 The picture above of Starry Night was hanging on the refrigerator like you would find in any home. this just show that people here were effected by the economy and ended up loosing their house and need help getting back up. The two pictures bellow show things that were donated to them. So it shows those old electronics that you have no need for that do not work there are other people out there that could use it.

Donated PlayStation
Donated Supplies

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Fallen Heros Exhibit 3/6

Basilica of St. Louis 3/4

The Cathedral at the time was finished in 1914 but was not made a basilica until 1997 when Pope John Paul II made a visit. The church stood for racial equality in the city of St. Louis. I was fortunate enough to have seen some of the cathedrals in Italy and all cathedrals have a lot of similarities. 

 This was given to the cathedral to signify that it is a basilica. This was the first time that I have seen one.

 This is a picture of a piece of stain glass that is in the front of the church behind the alter piece. The stain glass looks amazing with the light that comes through it. it was hard to get a good picture of it.

Michelangelo's Pieta

The Cathedral had many sculptures and the Peita would probably one
 of most famous one that would be found there. it may not be an original
it's still worth the look. The picture to the left is a hallway with a red tile
ceiling which was beautiful.

Close up on the Crucifix
Full view of the alter

The pictures above show the alter inside the cathedral the right is a zoom in on the crucifix. I liked how the light reflected off the white stone and made it look like it was glowing. The picture of the left I took to show how enormous the structure was. It my not be comparable to the one in St. Peters, but it is still big. 

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Graffiti Wall 2/24


We took a trip to the graffiti wall which is down by the river on the southeast side of St Louis. The area was industrialized as seen in the picture to the right.
Some of the images that the artist would draw would be something that you would see from someone on hallucinates and I came across a part which someone painted LSD which was fitting for the images.

The wall is about 3 miles long and we only walked about a half of a mile of it. These two photos caught my eye the skull on the left reminded me of the Dìa de Muertos, day of the dead, skulls but with out the bright colors. It is a Mexican holiday where they pay respects to the dead. The picture on top is of a red bug and the background behind it is of a city which is not visible but i like how they bug was in red and black.

These are two pictures of octopuses that I saw at the wall they were not that far from each other. You can see the difference in the style and how the artists portray things.

I am not sure what exactly this is suppose to be but like the the colors and the detail in it. it looks like it writing but made out of a metal creature this was one of my favorites at the wall.

These three pictures are something that many kids might know the top is the X-man symbol and the bottom two are characters from Mortal Combat, sub-zero and scorpion.