Thomas Jefferson's
They did not have a ball point pens back then but it resembles what many
of our pens look like today. they also only had one color which was black
Benjamin Franklin's Glasses
It is a very innovative design by being able to fold up small.
The First Transatlantic Flight
This is the spirit of St. Louis was built in San Diego, Ca by supporters in St. Louis
for the plane to fly from New York to Paris.Charles Lindbergh had no front window to look out of.
Fire Hose
This is my favorite picture that I took at the museum. I like the texture and the contrast of colors.
Bending the Rules
Sometimes you need to bend the rules to get the best possible pictures.
McDonnell Douglas
This was a very important company for not just St Louis but also the government. They were one of the main producers for planes for the military. They were bought out by Boeing in the 90's.
War Era Production
This was a photograph of the assembly line of the Phantom F4. These plane were used in the Vietnam War and among many branches of the military.
World's Fair
Many people may forget the history that is behind the old coins they collect. When I saw this it made me realize that I own a silver dollar that was possibly used at the world's fair.